Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March Reading Challenge

March Reading Challenge from Monday, March 18 through Sunday, March 31.

For more information and contracts, please click on the links below.

Letter to parents

Reading Challenge calendar

Student contract

Adult contract

Monday, March 18, 2013

Reading Challenge Begins Today

     All students should have received their Reading Challenge packet which includes a parent letter, calendar, student contract, adult contract, and bookmark. Please read the parent letter, encourage your children to participate, and be an active part in creating their contract and recording their reading time daily.  Parental help does make a difference. 
     Remember, each participant who successfully meets his or her goal will have read the contracted amount of time each day. Don't forget to participate yourself! Make this a fun family activity by reading together, set aside a special time each day for reading, create a cozy place to read, or do a fun activity along with your reading.  Activities could include: drawing a picture about the book, researching for more information pertaining to the time period or subject of the book, keeping a journal, doing a jigsaw puzzle with a similar theme, creating a craft or meal that ties in with your reading, or doing a simple science experiment that connects to the story or information in your book.  
     We have two special Reading Challenge activities this year. First, Wednesday, March 27th, all students, faculty, and staff will come to school dressed as their favorite book character.  At the end of the day, a buddy activity is planned.  Second, all classes that have 100% participation will be invited to the Reading Challenge Popsicle Party.
Questions or concerns?  Please contact me.   Happy Reading, Ponnie


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March Reading Challenge

Wow, there's a lot going on at school right now.  So, we're all looking forward to enjoying the quiet time reading during the March Reading Challenge, Monday, March 18 - Sunday, March 31. 

By now I'm sure you have heard about the changes we have made this year to the March Reading Challenge.  We think it will be especially fun.  Students will bringing home Reading Challenge packets on Wednesday.  If you need more information or have questions, please contact me at  Thanks, Ponnie